
Sailing slang
Sailing slang

sailing slang

Must → Mast: As in “We mast sail towards that island!” and “We mastn’t get too confident”.Most → Mast: As in “This is mast amusing!” and “ Mast boats have a sail.”.Boy → Buoy: As in “Oh buoy, I can’t wait.” and “Good morning, buoys and girls.”.

sailing slang

  • Shit → Ship: As in “Oh ship, we’re in trouble now.”.
  • Example sentences: “ Wake up!” and “I’ve been awake for days.”
  • Wake: The “wake” is the trail of disturbed water left by a boat.
  • Of course → Off course: As in “ Off course I like being the navigator!”.
  • Carved → Craft: As in “She’s craft out a nice little niche for herself.”.
  • Indecency → In decent sea: As in “The flagrant in decent sea of these images!”.
  • sailing slang

    Nefarious → Neferryous : As in, “A nef erryous villain.”.*fer → *ferry : As in, de ferry (defer), con ferry (confer), in ferry (infer), re ferry (refer), of ferry (offer), trans ferry (transfer), buf ferry (buffer), pre ferry (prefer).Vary → Ferry : As in, “Results may ferry,” and “Your mileage may ferry.” Note: Your mileage may vary is an expression indicating that something that works for one may not work for another.Fairy → Ferry : As in, “Airy ferry,” and “A ferrytale ending,” and “Nobody loves a ferry when she’s forty.”.Furry → Ferry : As in, “A ferry toy,” and “My legs are looking a bit ferry.”.*very* → *ferry*: If a word contains “very” it can be a boat pun: eferry (every), e ferrything (everything), deli ferry, disco ferry, e ferryday, e ferrywhere, braferry, slaferry, thieferry.Very → Ferry: As in “That was a ferry impressive boat pun.”.Wife → Wharf: As in “My wharf likes our new boat.” and “What does your wharf think?”.Wreck: The word “wreck” has a few meanings other than shipwreck, including slang ones (like “Ohhh rekt!” and “He’s an emotional wreck.”) and the regular, formal ones (Like “My wedding was wrecked by the storm”).

    sailing slang

    Reckon → Wrecken: As in “Do you wrecken we’ll make it through the storm?” and “I am a force to be wreckened with.”.Beaut* → Boat* : As in, “ Boat-iful people,” and “ Boat-y mark,” and “I need my boat-y sleep,” and “Make boat-iful music together,” and “ Boat-y is in the eye of the beholder,” and “ Boat-y is only skin-deep.”.Bowtie → Boat-tie : As in, “My boat-tie is too tight.”.Butt → Boat : As in, “Kick boat,” and “Kiss my boat,” and “Pain in the boat,” and “My boat is on the line,” and “ Boat-terflies in my stomach.”.If you need a bigger boat, then you’ve underestimated the situation you’re in. Boat : As in, “Don’t rock the boat,” and “In the same boat,” and “Missed the boat,” and “Whatever floats your boat,” and “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Notes: to rock the boat is to say something that will upset the people around you.Saboteur → Sa boateur : As in “Captain, I believe there’s a sa boateur on our ship.”.Boat → But: As in “Last boat not least” and “Close, boat no cigar.”.Not → Naut: As in “Last but naut least” and “Fear naut!”.Not → Knot: As in “Tell me this is knot happening.” and “ Knot on my watch.”.Encourage → Anchorage: As in “Stop anchoraging him!”.If you know of any boat related puns that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here is a big list of boat puns: Boat Puns ListĮach item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you’ve got a nautical pun that we’re missing, please submit it in the comments at the bottom of this page!Īlso check out these related articles: fish puns, beach puns, whale puns, dolphin puns and shark puns. So in this Punpedia entry we’ve done our best to create and collect as many examples of maritime word play as we could. On top of this, there are so many sub-categories of boat word play: sailing puns, anchor puns, rowing puns, naval puns, ship puns, fishing puns, and it even has a decent overlap with the infamous ocean puns category – one of the more popular categories of puns. The boating and nautical area of word play has a strong history, perhaps mostly because of the tradition of naming a boat or ship with a pun. This Punpedia entry is about boat puns! Whether you’re looking for a boat name, halfway through a pun battle, or just training your nautical wordplay muscles, we hope you find this entry useful! As usual, if you’re looking for visual puns (images, memes, etc.), scroll down to the bottom of this entry.

    Sailing slang